Discover your
inner powers!

Creating a ‘Young’ Look Regardless of Age

There is nothing worse when seeing someone who looks far too old for the clothes they are wearing. This is because they simply have not done it right. Done properly, any person, regardless of their age, can successfully take on a new or old look and make it appear effortless.

A Fashionable Look With Work Clothing

Look at the links between workwear and fashion and you will see very quickly that the two are inextricably linked. Furthermore, the rugged workwear look has always been considered attractive to the opposite sex. We are not talking about dirty jeans, dust covered boots and a hardhat. We are talking

Attractive Style on a Budget

Ask any woman what they find attractive about a man, and regardless of what shallow or enlightened qualities they mention, one of the things that will never change for a woman is the importance of a man’s sense of style. But head out to any boutique fashion store and the

Vacation – A Great Time To Lose Fat!

Let’s be fair. When we go away on vacation, it’s not to double up on exercise or two try out the range of local healthy foods. If anything, it’s to throw our daily routine to the side and just chill out for two weeks. But there are many ways to

Fat Burning Exercise

It is important to remember that diet is just one component of a larger fat burning goal. True, watching our food and drink is important, but so is complementing that astuteness with exercise. A lot of people will go to the gym or exercise at home with the intention of

Breakfast bowl
Buttermilk Pancake