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inner powers!

Male Pattern Baldness

Anyone who suffers from male pattern baldness will attest to it being an absolute confidence destroyer as well as what feels like a losing battle. Every time a balding person combs their hair to try and cover up a thin patch, they uncover another, or they find more dead hairs

Hair Loss – Common External Culprits

Some people will say that male pattern baldness is an eventuality for all of us. And whilst it is true that nearly all of the population will experience at least thinning hair if not actual baldness, there are external forces that we often do not think about which make hair

Self Body Lifting and Beyond

Anyone who has been to a gym or enjoyed an outdoor activity day has, most likely, done something involving self body lifting. But what if we want that extra kick and want to get used to lifting not just ourselves, but additional weight as well? One of the simplest ways

Self-Body Lifting at the Gym

Body lifting is traditionally thought of as something that goes hand-in-hand with the great outdoors. Thanks to the thrill that it provides, it is definitely more popular with explorers and seekers of excitement, but for a more utility-based approach, body lifting at the gym gives us a chance to develop

Urban Self Body Lifting

Despite what thrill seekers may say, it really is not necessary to climb the top of a mountain range to truly enjoy self body lifting. Of course, if you want a nice view to look out over as you congratulate yourself, then it’s perfect. But urban and rural locations provide

Breakfast bowl
Buttermilk Pancake